We received two beautiful reviews of our new album ‘Heroes and Foes’ (in Dutch). A fantastic review on the Subjectivisten and another great review on Alternative FM. We are grateful for that. Also, we gave an interview in the Dutch AD newspaper.
And on top of that, our new single Wings of the Night is out now! The single is available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music and on several other music platforms. You can find the lyrics here. The single was already played on several stations; among them the Pinguin Pluche radiostation. The song is also placed in playlists on Spotify. ‘Wings of the Night’ is a popballad about grief, but in a quite positive, optimistic and almost naive way. The lyrics are about dreams where you meet your lost loved ones again. Are they real or is it just a dream? We’ll never know.
And did you miss our live albumrelease concert in The Hague in October? Soon we’ll give at least two more concerts. On December 30th we’ll give another free Livestream concert on our YouTube channel. We’ll play the songs from the albumrelease show for our fans abroad and everybody else who missed the concert. And in February we’ll play live in Gouda again. Watch our concert dates for more details.

(this article was updated on Dec. 20th).