We wish you a beautiful summer

June was a good month for us, with live concerts and working on new repertoire. On June 30th we gave a quite nice live outdoor concert in Breda, to a great and interested audience, and with two marvellous hosts. Watch the pictures here and here. We also gave an impro livestream concert, with Pim on his new (vintage) synthesizers and grand piano, Marcel on double bass and Petra on vocals. The concert had a magical atmosphere, despite Petra’s cold and a slight sync problem. Watch it here. In September we’re back with more concerts, one of them will be a Livestream concert again. We’ll use this summer for working on new material, writing lyrics, rehearsing and booking new concerts. And for short holidays, rest and inspiration. We wish you a beautiful summer, with good weather (it’s raining a lot over here!) and we’ll see you again in September!

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