We received two beautiful reviews (in Dutch). A fantastic review on the Subjectivisten and another great review on Alternative FM. We are grateful for that.
And…. it’s time to vote again in the yearly Snob 2000. Three Chabliz-songs are nominated for this important yearly event: Moon, Nightporter and New Dawn Fades (two original songs and one coversong). Why is it important to vote for Chabliz? The playlist is THE place where Dutch alternative music and indie lovers can discover Chabliz, because the people in Holland who love alternative, quality pop and rockmusic listen to the Snob 2000 by ‘Ondergewaardeerde Liedjes.’ The chosen 2000 songs are on the radio during the last two weeks of the year, and the playlist of these songs is on Spotify all year long! Many people listen to this playlist. So….. if you like Chabliz, then vote. It’s nice to think about the other songs and bands that you love too. Which songs and bands do you love? Who deserves a spot next to Chabliz?