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1. NightporterChabliz00:00ReadyPlayStopNext»«PrevHIDE PLAYLIST- 1. Nightporter
- 2. I put a spell on you Live
- 3. Poppies in flanders fields
- 4. An Invitation to Sin MP3
- 5. Moon
- 6. album compilation
- 7. Blue Strike
- 8. You Were Meant for Me
- 9. Breakfast
- 10. The Heel
- 11. Billie Jean
- 12. Imitating Angels
- 13. Blöder Tango
- 14. Lady Grinning Soul
- 15. Du wirst mir fehlen
- 16. Life runs out like sand
- 17. Moon of Alabama
- 18. The Silence
- 19. Erased
Tag Archives: chablizpopnoir
Chabliz wins the Public Award from Delft Fringe
Today we won the Public Award from the Delft Fringe festival audience. We are very pleased with it ! Everybody who voted for us : Thank You !!!!! We and the other winners are going to play in the Rietveld … Continue reading →
Posted in Concerts, In The Media, News, reviews, Uncategorized
Tagged alternative, artists, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, concert, Delft, Delft fringe, eclectisch, festival, Fringe, Fringe festival, gig, gothic, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, I put a spell on you, live, Marcel Peters, Nina Hagen, operapop, Pathé, Pathé bioscoop, Pathé cinema, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, popnoir, Publieksprijs, Raamstraatkerk, Rietveld, Rietveld Theater, Rietveld Theater Delft, Rotterdam, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Screamin'Jay Hawkins, semi acoustic, singer-songwriter, singersongwriter, theater, theaterfestival, Theatre
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Videoclip Of The Month
Good news ! “Imitating Angels” has become Videoclip Of the Month at Talentcast !! Follow the link and scroll down a bit to watch it.
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, Imitating Angels, Petra de Winter, pop noir, popnoir, Riske de Vries, Talentcast, videoclip
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New videoclip Chabliz !!!
The new videoclip “Imitating Angels” is ready ! new videoclip Chabliz Please click the link above to watch it ! The clip is directed by Riske de Vries and performed by Chabliz. We’re very proud of it ! Videoclip Imitating … Continue reading →
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged alternative, artists, café Pardoen, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, Chalet ten Bosch, gothicjazz, Haagse Bos, Imitating Angels, JW, muziekcafé JW, Pardoen, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, popnoir, Riske de Vries, rock, Rotterdam, video, videoclip
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Chabliz plays at benefit concert #songsforthephilippines
Songs for the Philippines Chabliz plays this Sunday 24/11 at 15:00 ( 3 PM) at the benefit festival Songs for the Philippines in the Humanity House in the center of the Hague. You have free entrance, and there’s a recommended … Continue reading →
Posted in Concerts, In The Media, News, Uncategorized
Tagged alternative, Ap de Ree, artists, benefiet, benefit concert, Catself, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, concert, gig, gothic, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, Humanity House, I put a spell on you, live, Marcel Peters, orkaan, performance, Petra de Winter, Philippines, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, popnoir, semi acoustic, singer-songwriters, songsforthephilippines, Theatre, There's a voice in the world that's crying, typhoon
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Pictures from the second recording day : the making of the new Chabliz’ videoclip:
Photographer Jan te Bont made the pictures from the second recording day of our videoclip, directed by Riske de Vries. You can find them here on Facebook: The making of………..
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged alternative, Ap de Ree, behind the scenes, café Pardoen, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, Chalet ten Bosch, filmset, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, Imitating Angels, Jan te Bont, JW, Marcel Peters, muziekcafe, muziekcafé JW, Pardoen, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, popnoir, Riske de Vries, rock, Rotterdam, set, the making of, video, videoclip, videoshoot
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Videoclip Chabliz
Yesterday our director Riske de Vries recorded the second day of our new videoclip with us at Café Pardoen Together with the crew, the extra’s and make up artist Esther Phaff they did a great job ! We also would … Continue reading →
Posted in In The Media, Meta, Uncategorized
Tagged alternative, Ap de Ree, artists, café Pardoen, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, Chalet ten Bosch, clip, concert, director, Esther Phaff, gig, gothic, gothicrock, Haagse Bos, Het Haagse Bos, Imitating Angels, JW, JW Rotterdam, make-up artist, Marcel Peters, muziekcafe, muziekcafé JW, Pardoen, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, popnoir, poprock, Riske de Vries, rock, Rotterdam, song, videoclip, visagiste
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Fay Lovsky plays theremin and musical saw in song Chabliz
We are very proud to announce that famous dutch artist Fay Lovsky is the featuring artist at one of the songs from the new Chabliz- album. The song is called : “You were meant for me” and is written by … Continue reading →
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged album, alternative, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, dutch artist, famous, Fay, Fay Lovsky, featured artist, featuring, featuring artist, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, Joby Talbot, Lovsky, master, musical saw, Neil Hannon, performance, Petra de Winter, pop noir, popnoir, release, saw, singing saw, solo, theater, theremin, theremin-solo, thereminsolo, Ute Lemper, You were meant for me, zaag, zingende zaag
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I Put A Spell On You
Today it’s excactly 84 years ago that shockrocker avant-la-lettre Screamin’Jay Hawkins was born. We recorded a tribute to him; his famous hit “I Put A Spell On You.” you are able to listen to it right here: ” title=”I put … Continue reading →
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged alternative, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, direct-to-DAT, gig, gothicjazz, I put a spell on you, IPutASpellOnYou, live, liverecording, Marcel Peters, Petra de Winter, pop noir, popnoir, recording, rock, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Screamin' Jay Hawkins Tribute, Screamin'Jay Hawkins, screaminjayhawkins, semi acoustic, shockrock, shockrocker, Spell, Theatre, Tribute, voodoo, voodoorock, witchcraft
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Songflow chose Chabliz-song in their weekly top 5
Songflow discover charts Chabliz also did put a gothicversion of Michael Jackson’s superhit “Billie Jean” at iTunes and Spotify. Next week it will be four years ago that Michael Jackson deceased. This is the right moment for a tribute to … Continue reading →
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, reviews, Uncategorized
Tagged alternative, artists, Billie Jean, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, charts, discover charts, gothic, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, King of Pop, Michael Jackson, monumental, monumental pop, number 4, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, pop noire, popnoir, rock, Songflow, top 5, Tribute
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new songs
We already wrote two new songs for our next-next album ! While our present album isn’t even released yet ….but it will soon be released, in September ! It’s already totally ready, except for the sleeves. It’s been mixed and … Continue reading →
Posted in Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged album, albumtracks, alternative, Ap de Ree, artists, cd, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, chords, composing, composition, gothic, gothic jazz, home studio, homestudio, instant composing, Jim and the Jimmies, live, lyrics, Marcel Peters, new material, new song, new songs, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, rehearsal room, single, songlyrics, songwriting, studio, track, tracks, viben, vibing
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